Monday, August 28, 2006

well you just cant seem to please everone

I just dun understand but i guess I do..

some people just aren't satisfied with things people do. We cant please everyone and everyone can't seem to please us. Well you do what you can and make sure that you do the best that you can... well if some people dun like it, well its out of your range and means.. too bad... thats all I can say.

Whats evident is the comments that others give, you may not like it but thats you.. What I know is that I did my best..and the best is what I make of the resources that you provide. Were you short-changed? Am I short-changed.. I learned a whole lot from the experience i gained and this is just a little bump. Of course I feel saddened by the texted msg received but I can do nothing. I've put my heart and soul in every work I do and everytime I find it hard to let go with them. For a little while I was mine, all mine but from the begining it never was. I have this feeling of possession over works I do from the very begining of time. I am never a fan of giving away things especially the ones I did myself although the very existence of it was in the hands of other people. I would stare for hours and days at it before parting with it.

well you just cant seem to please everone


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