Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hari Raya Oct/Nov 2006

Boyyyy.....Raya this sure is fast... 3 weeks are done... this is the last stretch... and I will spend half of it in camp... yes.. the nation has called out the names of us the indegeneous few to defend her yet once again for 2 freaking weeks.

Im posting some raya pics... a compiled few to sum up what was a short-but-eventful raya..

coz of 3 things...

1) Spent our first raya as hubby and my lovely wifey...
2) Spent our first raya in our new home
3) Get to spend this raya with our family, friends and beloved-students.

What more can a man ask for?
Ya Allah, aku bersyukur kepadamu atas apa yang telah Engkau kurniakan aku.Engkaulah maha pengasih and pengampun, Tuhan segala alam.

Naughty Eeqa and cheeky aunty

Raya with wifey's side

Raya with my side

Raya with the Burger Bundle Gang -NUS/NIE

Our students came over..

Raya with the Rugby peeps-as always every year


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