Shitty Sunday
Woke up late coz up the late night ghost hunting yesterday... woke up at 12pm exactly... my bro and my mum just watched Inuyasha (Japanese Anime) ; several episodes wey! Got kinda bored coz they keep changing discs.. well I went over to Rienaz's coz she haven't eat yet...cian dia... so after like evening, we went LOT 1 to have supper at LET"S EAT.
We went window shopping after that...lingered around the mall till after marghrib.
Went home after that and had a discussions with Rau about work related stuffs.... what a drag... told everbody including Rienaz and Rau that i want to play Live... .. cannot stand it liao... havent had a proper game session since i dont know when... so just turned off the my lappy and was all so excited to Game. BUTTT when I got online, I was so dissapointed that everyone was not online on BA, instead they were on HALO2 or Ghost Recon2... whattt a dragg!!! I downloaded the extra maps last week and never even have a decent game on it till now.... Frustrated sia... then reluctantly, I switched to HALO, to find that my other mates are already in a session which lasted like half an hour.... so i had to play alone with them sickening angMos once again.... I just hate the Lag and the language they use....
I lingered around LIVE for about 30 mins, then I just forced myself to turn off my console..
Its probably nothin but I just want to play this new maps so bad.... with Kenny goin away tomm, I hope that I will be able to play with him tonite...
Reluctantly, I shut my eyes hoping this shitty feeling will subside... tommorow...

We went window shopping after that...lingered around the mall till after marghrib.
Went home after that and had a discussions with Rau about work related stuffs.... what a drag... told everbody including Rienaz and Rau that i want to play Live... .. cannot stand it liao... havent had a proper game session since i dont know when... so just turned off the my lappy and was all so excited to Game. BUTTT when I got online, I was so dissapointed that everyone was not online on BA, instead they were on HALO2 or Ghost Recon2... whattt a dragg!!! I downloaded the extra maps last week and never even have a decent game on it till now.... Frustrated sia... then reluctantly, I switched to HALO, to find that my other mates are already in a session which lasted like half an hour.... so i had to play alone with them sickening angMos once again.... I just hate the Lag and the language they use....
I lingered around LIVE for about 30 mins, then I just forced myself to turn off my console..
Its probably nothin but I just want to play this new maps so bad.... with Kenny goin away tomm, I hope that I will be able to play with him tonite...
Reluctantly, I shut my eyes hoping this shitty feeling will subside... tommorow...
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