Friday, October 14, 2005

Frenzy Friday

a very hectic day... was rushing here and there since morning.
with the 3NT having the art exam today, there were a lot of things that need to be settled before the paper started. Pails, sitting arrangement, materials, i know it sounds "normal" but after what happened in the last examination, i cant take anymore chances.
In the afternoon, had the Sec 3s to come by for consultations about their EOY paper. Once again had to kill some braincells to give them my ideas.
After Friday prayers, helped the graduating students touch up their work..
@4pm, meeting with the NPCC NCOs and CIs for the Annual Camp briefing. Am looking forward to the camp and I hope that the kids can cooperate with each other and make this camp better tha last year, Insya Alah. (I hope that the 2 officers give us the their support too!!)


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