Saturday, October 01, 2005

Launch Of Junied- Hijrah (Nasyid Madrasah Al-Junied-Al-Islamiah)

Today is the launch of the album: Junied-Hijrah. The Nasyid group from Madrasah Al-Junied Al-Islamiah.

Production: Zag Production
Recording Studio: Snoots Studio(Md Ali)
Musical Advisor: Dzul Rabull
Musical Arrangement: Dzul Rabul, Md Ali, Azrin & Hafiz
Album Design: IzOneD

Yess... the album design was done by me..... well need to fine tune certain stuff and to give more attention to details and post design but im willing to learn and given a chance on the next project, I will do my vey best smooth the process.
But to think that I did the album design in just less than 1 week... I am damn proud of myself. The late nights at the recording studio have all paid off.. Alhamdullillah.

The soft launch of the album was @ The Madrassah itself... with the group playing for the audience a couple of their songs.

The Album selling at $19.90 (Wang hasil penjualan CD-CD tersebut akan disalurkan ke dana Madrasah tersebut)

Junied performing

Autograph signing session

the Production Team


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