Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hey Hey 2006 is here...

Hi Happy new year to one and all...
Im begining this new year with lots of hope and wishes...
Lots of things learnt and regretted from the past year and with the knowledge, experience and lesson learnt, I am going to make this year better than all the past years combined.

Starting the new year with/by:

1)being a husband... lots of reponsibilities being added on to my shoulders but with this new role, and new commitments towards my lifepartner, comes along a stronger love thats grows between us. I shall cherish you, love, support, provide, understand, weep, laugh, excite, suprise, teach, care, and everything in between... to you, my destiny, my loving wife... Isnani Norasiken....

2)furnish our new beautiful home... (cant wait).....


4)Keep a healthy lifestle:... go to the gym, run, start a healthy diet etc.. (I know I can...I know I can...)

5)Be financially wiser and manage the accounts.. (sure need help)

6)Show more love towards my now-bigger family(tollerance, understanding and fairness is the key)..Mums, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Neneks, Aunts & Uncles..Cousins...

7)More disciplined in work-oriented matters: teaching, admin or CCA

8)Do my Arts-degree this year!

9)Try to do more internal/external projects, works, assignments.

10)Be more religious - go for R-classes, Post Marriage Course?,

11)To be happy.. :)

well there are many other things that I would like to accomplish but the above are the main targets.... Insya Allah.. (with His permission)
All the IzOneD in 2006....


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