Monday, April 04, 2005

Trashing Tuesday

Hmmm there there...long time no see...

Thousand of thingies coming thru my mind...
Verry long eh..nvr start publishing publishes... so please bear with me.
VP called me and R into her room..questioned us about this SEc 1 class... that class kana punished actually by me for not bringing pictures for their art lesson, so they were to stay back for 30mins or was it 1 hr...??? cant remember... but whatever it is, I asked half of them to clean up the mess in the art room and also the other half of them to clean Art Room 2... somehow R kinda "overdid" her portion of the punishment and asked them to do extra stuff.. Well a kid complain to his parent about certain issues that was troubling him regarding the added work that he did and also about being scolded by another Art teacher. Well I do hope R can tone down with the ways she handle kids and students, coz students could see her to be too GARANG!

VP settled the problem... and I hope that we both learnt our lesson from the incident.

My other classes today was ok... but when my graduating classes came in, I really felt demoralised!!!!

1) They failed to hand in their sketches to me last week
2) More Attire problems whith these 2 Gals... Unacceptable haircutt..
3) Very pressured ..added higher standard for submission works

The 2 gals J&A, are ok, they are quite good in their work but their attire sucks... I cant see Y they are that way... If put them to a tee, they can actually score well for their O Level Art.

They are too rileks in their attitude....scold them also..only so much they can do...lets see tommorrow's 5 periods. Lets hope and pray!

A little Hope maybe:????
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My Xbox Gamertag and LIVE subscription coming to an end soon Gotta renew..

IzOneD ponders should he find a new gamertag or stick with this one..and loose out on the Headset offer that comes with a NEW starter KIT set.... ponderzzzz

My new Forum Signature in Brotherhhod Of the Box. Like It?
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well just bought "DOOM 3" a new XBOX game yesterday...its $65 but Edition with a Tin cool is that...will load up the pic soon...
The game rocks but the multiplayer can do better.... oh well it cant surpass Rainbow Six. that game still rocks till noww...

Im just gonna post this picture coz its so damn cool... how Apple inspires the Jedi.....err concentrated FORCE -training I suppose?Image hosted by


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