Thursday, June 23, 2005

Heart Attack

My nightmares have come true...this whole week I have been thinking about my father... dah lama sangat merindukan kasih sayangnya.. terlalu lama... dan peninggalan atuk sedaraku membikin hatiku tambah pilu bila melihat sedaraku menagis2 kehilangan ayah tersayang...

at 9pm I had a call its my cousin..she called my home me first wanting to know my hp no coz she lost it.. lama my cuz dah tak talipon apa kena dia? sekali dia kata she has some bad news... she told me.... "Your dad is in ICU now, he is under surgery.. he had a heart attack!".. my heart sank... i almost cried on the phone.. I didnt xpect that... I told my mum but she didnt know what to do... my parents are divorced for some 10 years now.. My Bro and Mum still hate my dad till now.. I dun know why aftter so long why the hatred. Im sure he is sorry for what has happened. For me I have forgiven him and accepted fate. He is my father afterall. I told my mum that Im goin to the hospital. I rushed to the hospital... my mind racing as my bike could go with the wind... throughout the journey tears rolled down my eyes. The road seemed bluurr.Kept thinking of him. His siblings were there they were scared that I would do something irrational,saying my stepmother is here. I dun care about her I want to see my dad.. They told me he had a heart attack in the morning and has undergone surgery he is fine now.. I cant keep my emotions back but i didnt want to cry infront of them. Its been years since I last saw my dad. I miss him so badly I wanted to see him all these years but I dun wsh to see him like this. Im angry at his siblings coz they knew about his hospitalization since mornin but kept it frm my family till late that nite. they didnt know if they should tell me or not. Who are they to judge?? He is my Father for GOD sake!! Whatever HE's done to us, he is still my father!! I still love him.. I sat for a while in the ICU..... Im goin to be there Dad tommorow..I'll be here for you......


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