Saturday, June 25, 2005


Had the XBOX Games Extreme League Competition-FINALS
Clan Siberian fought hard and we won 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing..
so happy...

the prizes not so sure...

Elson, our Clan commander treated the clan to Labyrinth @ Bencoollen Street.. Drinks, Makan and Pool was on his.... so we partied till our heart's content.. but I wasnt in the party mood.

Deep down inside I was thinking about what I've done.... whom I hurt... who needed me the most rite now... but somehow I didnt budge.... dunno why... for that I am dissapointed for myself

She called.... I asked to meet her
we met.... we made up.... she forgave me... she needed me and I wasnt there... Seems like Im always not there everytime
Always.... I dissapointed promises forgotten... how could I?
Now I am given the chance once more... i dun want to dissapoint her...but I do that everytime... about not being there.... am I doing too little? Not doing enough?
I will do my very best to keep this relationship or make it grow. I know that her love for me has died..she told me this ... but I will rekindle it some how or another. How do you make someone who has lost love in you again? It hard but not impossible... I will relight your fire and make it burn brighter this time.. enlightening our darkest days, thru the nyte..till the flames burns off... till we part in life... till you wait for each other at heaven's door..


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