Monday, August 28, 2006

well you just cant seem to please everone

I just dun understand but i guess I do..

some people just aren't satisfied with things people do. We cant please everyone and everyone can't seem to please us. Well you do what you can and make sure that you do the best that you can... well if some people dun like it, well its out of your range and means.. too bad... thats all I can say.

Whats evident is the comments that others give, you may not like it but thats you.. What I know is that I did my best..and the best is what I make of the resources that you provide. Were you short-changed? Am I short-changed.. I learned a whole lot from the experience i gained and this is just a little bump. Of course I feel saddened by the texted msg received but I can do nothing. I've put my heart and soul in every work I do and everytime I find it hard to let go with them. For a little while I was mine, all mine but from the begining it never was. I have this feeling of possession over works I do from the very begining of time. I am never a fan of giving away things especially the ones I did myself although the very existence of it was in the hands of other people. I would stare for hours and days at it before parting with it.

well you just cant seem to please everone

Friday, August 25, 2006

Contact Time- Visual Minutes

Was dozing off so my hand worked the sketchpad...
Emailed the whole staff...they seem to like it :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Where are they now?

HAd my M4-module-: The Development of Children's Art & Its Implications for Teaching today.. 10 sessions on Thursdays at NIE..
Piaget and more piaget. Back to the good old days of hitting the notes and EDDs... notes itself cost more than $22/- and a whole chuck of it.... Assignments? But of course, summarize sections of the readings and lesson plans for a 8 terms..YES thats 2 yrs of education! But the good news is that we will be dividing the lesson plan amongst 5 of us... so we like have to do like 8 weeks of LPs which we all can share at the end. Sounds ok...

There are 10 of us in total for this class, 5 sec schs, 5 from pri schls... The whole jing-gang consists of the 8 "kakis" and 2 new faces... most of us are going for the PDCM model so its all good.

Bumped into Maslinda on the way back. She was also taking a module for her AdvDip in NIE....something abt drama.... its good to meet old fast... her baby is 2 yrs old oredi... nevertheless, congratulated her despite being so late on greetg . Had a short chat before heading back to pick up wifey.

Grab some dinner and stuff from BBP, before we prepare ourselves to watch the dissapointment. As aspected the double Js was safe again this week and poor old Nurul was kicked out... well she'll never make it to the its now or later.. This whole J controvercy is like up to the max... I kinda wanna skip the whole show..finals and all and move on to the next season... I dun see why Hady to win..yeah he's good ...and is the clear contender is the one who is going to wear the title of being the 2nd Spore Idol... but i think that its kinda lame... I hoped for somebody who is different.. someone who has a unique style, unique voice or just make fans oogle at him/her even to the next season.... this year i dun see anyone...saw it coming right from the start even when the auditions were being aired...there was too much hype and less talent oriented...

It makes me think that are we draining out talents out. Is singapore that short of talents... or aren't they daring enuff...? I reminice the good old days of Asia Bagus in the early 90s... week after week Singapore competed agaist malaysia, indonesia and japan. And we never shy away from our neighbours and gave good performances every single week. And in some episodes, some Singaporeans even won the Finals... remember Construction Site...the 2 malay rappers-(Ashidiq and Sheik Haikal) that won I think the 2nd competition ? Well that shows that we have talent amongst us... is still there now?

Where are they now?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dunno wat day is today.... haizz

Was puzzled and taken abacked the whole day....

2 weeks ago i was approached by a man during the Fireworks festival saying that he might be interested in my photography services for his nephew's wedding.. yesterday I informed him of my charges and he said that he will ask his nephew if the price was right... this is when the puzzling thing came about..he suddenly asked if he could borrow $50/- from me.. thats the thing that has been bothering me since yesterday.. Dude, we barely know each other and we aint relative... why the cheek to ask from me, a total stranger some money....?? well you are here requesting some photography services from me and you are asking me for some money? Err Im worried about my service payment if your nephew decide to engage my services. Its not that im out of range here.. but DUDE,.. you are setting the wrong impression of yourself...

Went for my M3 module yesterday at NIE... "New media studies" was very excited about this course and what to expect.... but it came to a dissapointment in the end.
I already missed out the first lesson last week coz of my reservist, so there I was very "blur" to the whole thing.... but nevertheless it was conducted in the MAC Lab, a very familar place to me... (where the trainee art teachers spent hours in the lab with our $5K G4Macs doing like photoshop, soundforge, imovie, studio editing etc)...

well i was in dreamland when he showed a 40min video about how computer graphics evolved... kinda boring but pretty useful. But the lesson was it.. thats all.. the rest of the time... he(the Myanmar lecturer-i think) just said that
we r supposed to come up with a photo montage about any topic by the end of the module and create some sequence using flash or imovie etc... thats it...
he did not teach us the concepts.. how tos.... or any lingos... I asked him the course requirements... but he laughed at me creating a "lame answer" -which i dun understand of course.... well i figured things out asking my other classmates.. I did my own stuff on the Photoshop, luckily i brought my trusty digicam and card reader... at least I have some images ready on hand....
most of the time i was helping out other teachers deal with the PS lingos and steps.
Well... its a kinda relaxed module but i think we are here to learn new things. But than again i cant argue coz this is part of my module and i guess i'll make do with you. But I'm glad that Im here at NIE to relive my NIE days with my beloved colleagues, ..good to see you guys again....

Looking forward to my Weds and Thurs..

Monday, August 21, 2006


In Love with the TOYOTA RUSH 1.5L

5 Door
2WD/4WD Compact SUV
DOHC 16 Valve

its a predessesor of the Daihatsu Bego/Terios...
But there are small changes to it..if not both look identical...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Congrats Aloysious...

Yesterday Aloysious, my ex Sec 5 -Art-student pm me on msn.... he showed me this article...

he was on one of the articles in the newspaper... Great work Aloy... many more great things to come.. Im very proud of you!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ninety Nine Nights

"NINETY NINE NIGHTS- XBOX 360"...Bought my long awaited game... since like begining of the year... and im totally crazed by it now... although im quite finishing it though.. its still the best..
here are some shots from the game

its kinda a destresser i guess.... away from the hustle n bustlr of work, students... school...

I find myself crawling back to school again...after like 3 days of reservist... here im dumped with stress all over again...

more N3 tonight again i guess....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy National Day Singapore..

did you guys catch us on berita harian?