Tuesday, May 10, 2005

fascist despotism

fascist despotism

Today we celebrate the commemoration of World War 2.. Flags were raised and lowered. Hopes were high and emotions fluttered in the wind

cascading gestures of sadness and grief filled the atmosphere and renditions of what had turmoiled their lives, our lives...lingered within the processions.

My Son!!!...My children!!!.... Mother!!! cries echoed in the wind... relentless memoirs excapsutaing the mind. Yesterday was like today. Today is yesterday. You, me, I ..you alll are victims of a time long gone.. Victims, victimised or victimising are just words now.. still lingers though...
Tears ...where are the tears now? Dried up I suppose.. Do you still want me to shed... I can U know?

""While the aniversary itself is without question a worthy occasion for celebrating one of the greatest victories of mankind over tyranny, we believe the venue and hosting of this event are altogether unsuited to the fundamental principles for which that historic victory in the second world war was achieved", the letter said."

the Allied came... "The Mercenaries" I call them... Last Era's leaders still live on today. Garlands were laid on the Tomb of the Unknown. Red White and Blue streaks tailgated the jets,..flaggin the skies.

You were victorious?? Oh Please!! there is no victories in Wars........only how much Loss was incurred.

I am not from your generation... but I still feel and bleed the same.
I am not from your generation....but my children will be...

.......my children will be.....
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Sunday, May 08, 2005


To believe in oneselve is the most important thing to do. Yesterday I walked amongst people. Penetrating their lives and capturing their moments in my sketchbook. I stare at them,... seems annoying but nessasary. I scrutinised every inch of their sense of being. From my eyes to the nip of the brush-pen...ink oozed out and it danced on the paper as my hands gracefully serinaded the page. I was sketchin again. What joy I felt a year ago was hapenning again...today... I was sketchin again.

I was invisible to them... Im not here...not there... I sit amongst the crowds...and just doodled my fancy. I pierced their lives. With and without thier permission.

I was at the beach capturing this family on my sketch pad. What a happy family... Mum and Dad on the beach..Kids playing in the sand.. and their dog joined in the merry. A typical out of a papperback novel. Can my future Saturday Evenings be as colourful as them? No one reckons but I kept on doodling.. Suddenly while encapsulating my frenzy, they..the perfect family dissapeared.... i lost track.... no where to be seen...

Suddenly I heard,.... "Willy...Willy...is that you... see 'tahker' drew Willy..."

Now the family was behind me. Now I felt that I was really invading their privacy, instead,..that man THANKED me. "Thank you..Thank you...",he said. I was thinkin WTF? Why did he thanked me? I should be the one thankin him.. At that time i was puttin myself in his position... A happy family...A happy Saturday evening... and to top it all...someone managed to captured my Happy Family in his sketchbook, maybe inspired him... What could be better.

Now I understand the thanks..that he gave me..
Well thank you.....

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