Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Emotive Painting...

some adjustments to my work....

resentment... anger... sadness...."XIANness"

i did some ugly emotive painting the other day... just was carried away with my emotions i guess.

but calm followed today... I was at some point of calmness so I restructured the painting back to what it was before... i still have some part unrestored as i want to have some part untouched to show the emotive experience that my painting went through ..

see the difference in the girl in the painting...?
check it with the pic in my previous post...

Dry Shoot @ NPCC HQ

nuthin much yesterday....

had my sec 1 than invigilate the 1E1 for their Science Paper..
I always liked invigilation... although you have to pay close attention to kids to make sure they dont cheat..and stay alert, well it kinda gives me time to contemplate on myself and my surroundings... the time we need so ever so badly just practically doing nothing..

Had to bring the Sec 2 Cadets to NPCC HQ.. for their .22 dry practice.
Ressal, Aidil and Amira volunteered to accompany .. thanks guys... Ressal showed me the unfilled points sheets for our Unit... I was sad coz that someone is clearly not duin his work. Kesian budak2 ni deprived of their points... We are not going anywhere,.. not planning everything .. not or
ganizing ZILCH... than how are we gonna get our GOD DAMN POINTS for CCA??? even the kids' uniforms and badges were not collected or were collected late... haiizzz... its not like IM not duin my job on the other hand but I am always kept in the dark about dates, events and happenings... no email was sent to me or her... he keeps it to himself and for what??.... to be deleted if his own dates clashes... never wanting to to consult with us.... I want to be soo in the "KNOW-ZONE"...
Even more sianz... he didn't even nominate either one of us to be the Andjutant... what does that mean???... Really one man show huh?...
Kesian Budak2... this CCA really means a lot to them and if Im given the reponsiblility even if i dun like it.. i will discharge my duties and responsibilities the best I can... I think he should to.. coz he's our leader... he has no choice...!!!
I have no choice but to support coz he is my colleague afterall, but there is a limit u know...!!!..

really hope that the NCO course will turn out okay... even if both of them dun want to turn up for whatsoever reason ... I will be there.. even if I have to come after my 8am-6pm 2 days-cannoeing course beforehand... we are building and traing future leaders... for who... for the unit... we so NEED the NCO course.. and must at some point think for the kids, unit .... not just how free you are all the time...

I dun regard this as wasting my Sep Hols away but a time spent nurturing my kids to grow up to become better leaders and NCOs... They will definately help the Unit and Us later.. see..??? there is a light at the end of the tunnel...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Syafiqah's @ Kent Ridge...

HI people....

Nuthin much today... in sch the same thing... mundane mutiny... the neverendings of my 4E5.... was busy duin class and invilating the Sec 1 Common Test... I had my proper breakfast @ 3.30... can you believe that?

ArtRooM closed @ 7.15pm...

Went supper @ Syafiqah's near South Buona Vista Road with Rienaz, Aaron, Iliza and their Sec Sch schoolmade... a quiet place... secluded and serene... you have to race down the famous Steep Corners of South Buona Vista Road. but there was a light at the end of the tunnel... hehehe.... good prata, good curry,... nice nescafe and maggie goreng....
Small Talks..stories... the good times... coffee-shop chitchats...

Chatted till 12am.... reached home at 1230am

Monday, August 22, 2005

Kelvin visits Almamatar...

Today Dunearn Got a surprise!!!

Tan Wei Lian aka Kelvin who is one of the finalist for Project Superstar on Channel U came down to DSS for an appearence. Apparently Kelvin was a student here in DSS from 1993-1997. He was partially blind then but gradually his blindness became worse.
It was a treat for the students and for all of us.... His appearence disrupted nearly half of the periods and classes had to miss their lessons because all classes were to be in the hall @ 1040am till 1140am... thats a full 1 hour... plus reccess before and after...
But I think the kids wont mind...

Some of the kids were preparing banners and signs in the hall, I called them up to my artroom and gave them cardboards and paint to make more banners. There proper materials given... equals to quality products...

the students very excited... before Kelvin came...

Finally he arrives.... screams...screams!!!!

Mr Ang Chin Chuan & Mdm Liao being interviewed by Channel U. Both of them were Wei Lian's subject teachers

Mr Wong Lok On, DSS principal giving some encouragement to Wei Lian

autograph signing session...

Group Photo:-


Met Rienaz, went to causewaypoint to get a back massage from the Chinese Massage Shop. Damn Shiok... My backache got worse yesterday... so no choice but to go for it!

Next Headed to Swensen's:
I had Crayfish Pasta (Extra spicy), She had Sirlion Steak, WE had Sourdough 49'ers and Sticky Chewy Chocolate Sundae... damn full... burp!!

IzOned sleeps tonite with a contented heart, a peacefull mind and a better back
>>snoozes @ 10pm....zzzzz...<<

Saturday, August 20, 2005

New Seat!!!

Bright and early... 8am..met up Tutie and Banun @ the cofeeshop for breakfast.. thosai!!!
opened the artroom for the graduating students at 9am... glad to see so many of them today.

Took some wierd pics for their projects.. (At least we are left with the O Level batch) Some wierd poses ... but artistically captivating. One shoot that I want to highlight is Khairin's work... she is dealing with herself and the fight within.. the ugly side...her tormented side... I am definately looking forward to see her finished work.

Here Banun and Tutie expressing Teenage Dilema...

ARtRooM closed @ 3pm

Met Rienaz... initially wanted to buy new helmets, but went to Auntie's shop and changed Tyrant's Seat Cover and added a 'Dagu' for the lower pipes..

Evening,.. met the people from PACT for a Party @ People's Association, organized by PA, there was free food... barbequed stuff... buffet spread,.. loads of entertainment and disco... had fun... ERA and the gang was surprised to see the "Otherside of me"...

we went home afterthat watched VCD= "Virgin" an Indonesian movie that we bought a few days ago.... IzOneD was asleep half way through..sorry Rienaz...

Friday, August 19, 2005

xxxxWAKE UPxxxxx

Added this guy today... my latest addition to my painting... On thursday, had the 3E5 painted "The Scream" ..and it got me painting too... I wanted Rauzanah to join in the session too coz she was tellin me that she hadn't been doing her practice since dunno when.. so the scream here represents The Shout to all:... WAKE UP!!!! we must buck up and presue or continue whatever that we once discontinued. Continue where we left off and finish it this time.. Wake up and realize its a new you today.. you are not the same as before, foreveryday you are a totally changed person. I painted it in various colours to reflect individuality and multiple personas. The eyes remained hollow coz it targets everybody and everyone. This iconic figues is me,you,him and her..evrybody and represents all. Wake Up everybody,..wake up... have you risen today?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

N Level Submission

Today is the Submission for the N' Level Art Coursework.. Finally, the muggin will stop and the late nites in sch will end,..well at least for the NA students.

Harry and his work: "My Hobby"...

Jian Hao with his work: "Birds

Hariz's work...

Yanda and his artwork: "Music"

So proud of them... coz thier artwork is better compared to last year.. Guys pls keep up the good spirits for the paper 2 OK?

The 3E5, taught them how to copy a painting in acrylic.. techniques and timing were observed within the 5 periods. The work to be copied: "The Scream by Edvard Munch"

Hizwani and her masterpiece

Khatijah and her work
Sent Rienaz to the Doc's... her cough was gettin worse.. she had 2 days MC.. but she wanted to go to sch coz dun wanna miss her lesson with the class.
We had dinner @ Banquet Fishball Noodles...
Bought a few Indonesian VCDs and The new "Black Dog Bone: Andai" CD... gerek..

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wacky Wednesday

Began the day exhausted,.. prob coz of late nights and malnutriton... yess.. coz its been a few days my breakfasts always start after 3pm... yeah i just dun have time to eat or sneak out of the artroom... with Students trying to squeeze every ounce of art from the very essense of me now and then.... Tommorow, is the submission for N Level Coursework and the panic was at the peak for the 4 students... each desperately seeking my divided attention and gasping for help to either draw this or paint that. Been there, done that... i know how they feel.

Stayed till 8pm in school for them to do their art. 90% of my 4E5 turned uo to do their coursework. Im contented that they have a burning desire to complete their coursework in due time. Im sadden to see that the 5N2s... only a handfull turned up.. lets see how tommorow...

Went down to Rienaz... watched National Gegraphic channel that she just subscribed..on SCV. An interesting watch... we had LUNCHcumDINNERcumSUPPER @ Swensens-Crown Prince @Orchard...reached there at 1130..We just Fish N Chips and Coit Tower Ice -Cream...I know its a weekday and the meal was not a feast.. but I just needed the Chill-Out session... I badly needed it... Felt better after the COIT TOWER but didnt managed to finish up the ice-cream though coz was too sleepy to slurp a few more... Reached home @ 2am... tired, sleepy but with a contented heart.. I feel much better..

Thanks dear for accompanying me...

my student Hariz finishing up his work...

Joyce and her 3D painting

Yanda and his 80% completed work

Im happy Khairin and Ryfana turned up today.Despite what they are goin through, I still believe in both of them.. however I scold them and they dissapoint me most of the time, I still be believe that they can build a bright future if they try harder. Hope they keep up the spirits and turn up to finish their work.

Our Coit Tower.....a taste of Heaven....

Monday, August 15, 2005


Was in the artroom facilitating the N & O Level the whole afternoon... While the kids were painting and busy buggin me with loads of ponderations about how to paint, how to mic colours, how to draw this or that..., I was also dauntingly giving my upmost concentration towards my canvas.. will upload the updated painting pic soon..
Knocked off @ 7.30pm...

Rienaz and I went BPP after that...
Had my haircut today.... LOnged for this moment for a very long time... coz my layerings have outgrown itself till i cant do spikes no more.... So off we went to see my hairstylist, Thomas.... @ Jean Yip, BPP. What I like about the place is the service..and most importantly, the cut. Thomas always knows what I want and he does it well... always very satisfied with his work.. I always can have a piece of mind whenever he does my hair. Had the "hair-spa/ scalp treatment" done after the cut!.. Damn shiok... damn relaxing... the spa itself cost $40/- ... total expenditure @ salon =$240... (they had a promotion)

Went to have dinner @ Long John Silver's.
funny thing happened... the small boy that took my order said the most silliest thing.. I think he must be in lower sec. When I ordered Clam Chowder,... he then said, " nak yang mahal punya atau yang murah?.." [translation: you want the expensive one or cheap one?] I was dumbfounded... the manager also wanted to laugh at him... coz he should ask whether i would like the small cup or big cup...

sent Rienaz home ... went home early to play HALO 2 online with the 4th Coy clan.. wahh long time never play liao..... sure had fun yesterday....

did some updates on the painting im working on... I will just keep adding more and more,..overlap..cover..delete....paintover, wash... right up to dunearnite..

today I added new characters to my painting...

I added this red boy in... was inspired by Hariz's N Level Painting about Poverty.. Hariz was just flashing images on the projector and those images kind of caught up with the forgoten reality that we often shut out eyes off. On the otherside of this planet, this boy is begging,..he's real..we are real too.. while Im painting he's begging,..he's real too just like I am...

The second character is this woman, I've picked up the August Issue of Men's Health and was somehow the notion of Health and Beauty has lingered. Men will try hard to potray a good front to the female species..everytime... we want women to see us.. we stay in shape...(ahem)..try to look good and use products.... just like women... Man=Woman? Woman=Man?

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Initially, it was a slow morning... watched TV whole morning... one of those lazy sunday morning i guess... determined to washed the grime off my two-wheeler today... the rejuvinated anxiety hasn't wear off after spending $230/- on Saturday on a new sprocket and chain and after changing Tyrant's engine oil that took 4 bottles of imported premium 4T-oil. Damn I just love the clutch after the tweaking they did on Sat...

Left home at 5pm.. reached Rienaz's soon after... didnt no major washing/cleaning on Tyrant (no involvement of pails and 20cent water supply from the carpark tap... just filled up a empty Juice Bottle and I was off to do some desperate cleaning at the void deck. 3/4 of the job done...

Suddenly Aaron stopped by with his new over-hauled, multicoloured ferringless 2-stroke. We ended up having a light dinner @ Chua Chu Kang Bus Interchange.

Guilty Party: IzOneD, Rienaz, Aaron, Iliza
Location: Chua Chu Kang Bus Interchange
What we had: Tau Hui !! 3 hot 1 cold

After the curdles went south, we headed around Bukit Panjang & Teck Whye to get some nite-shots of the supanaTUralz.... with our Konica RevIo... (the most wierd digicamera ever,.. selalu sukanah teramik apa yang tak diingni...)
So go back must analyze and enhance it with photoshop.

Soon after,headed back to our frequent WEsterN Food haunt... for some fried and barbequed wings and some Indian Rojak...didnt have to miss The Apprentice coz the we were seated munching infront of the TV. Went home to continue to watch "Missing"..

Another brand new week ahead... somehow i have a feeling that its gonna be a hectic week .. and must plan for a major recuperative weekend soon...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Saturated Saturday

Came to school today coz had to open the artroom for my students ...dreadsss... i know ..i know... its a saturday and I should have had bummed my head on the pillow a little longer butttt.... THEY JUST HAD TO COME... quite a number came... so it was worth it.. bought like 30 pratas for them for breakfast.. they managed to finish them though... aiyah... growing children... I started my own painting on one the canvass... its finished but not so finished,, i will keep adding and adding and adding till Dunearnite... well just had an itch to paint again.. hope this itch keeps up so that I will produce more works..

went down to Fajar to see Zhenghua's Sec Malay Drums performance at the National Day Dinner - what a show..!! Keep it up boys!! (Ms Nani and Ms Mis , hope you guys find the key...)

@ NIte... or should I say morning, Rienaz and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory @ Plaza Singapura, at 0200hrs .... wanted to watch "The Maid" but it was packed and fully booked even the show was @ the 3am slot ... siaannzzz... maybe next time then... But CATCF was a great movie... laughed all the way... the UMPALOMPAS were the main treat... although the cinema was not packed (just the few back rows, but the laughing spasms .... I had been reading Roald Dahls ever since Primary school and its about time they made it into a movie... "the witches" wasnt a good movie and "... the giant peach' ( forgot the title) ..they made it into a bad animation... but this one... was WOW!!!! Hope that they will make the sequeal;'Charlie and the great glass elevator' into a movie too...!!! Hey Directors! What about making BFG:Big Friendly Giant into a movie too?

My upcoming painting...

My 3N2s .. captured moments during Art class

The performance by the Malay Drums- Zhenghua Sec

Sunday, August 07, 2005


went to esplanade just to see see... look look.... watch watch...
took some great pics... remembered to bring the tripod this time. Took some nice shots.... this time.... yeahhhh!!!

The concert was great today ... Gingerbread - Anne Husin was singin.... my GOD...what a reunion for the band.... Im sure people was glad watchin that GIG... the makciks there were dancing to the sets played... rock on!!!

walked over to Merlion Park, had supper @ Bakerzbar ... we had some great desserts ... and continued taking shots at the Merlion....

Two contented Chocoholics went home with two contented bellies...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Espanade .... again....

Went Esplanade again to take some photos.. lots of people...
Saw they had this cool GIG goin on at the outdoor amphitheatre and also at the temp stage near beside the outdoor kopitiam... great shows... good music...

on the way... we caught the fireworks at Benjamin Sheares Bridge. Damn jam there but we managed to catch agood 10 mins of display...despite the traffic police chasing us away to move on along ECP... but we were not the only guilty party...